Semalt Tips On How To Write An SEO Compatible Article   

Websites that want to rank higher in search engines such as Google are just beginning to realize the importance of writing SEO-friendly articles. Articles, also known as content, are the names given to text written on websites. Just as every brand of yoghurt is different, every website owner or content writer has different ideas about SEO compatible articles.

The biggest goal of Google, the world's largest search engine, is to provide internet users with the information they are looking for in the most practical and most accurate way. For this reason, websites should act by paying attention to both Google's requests and users' characteristics when creating content.

Many people think that articles drowned in keywords will occupy a prominent place in search engines. The readability of articles that are constantly drowned in keywords decreases considerably and the corresponding website cannot be very permanent in the top positions.

We have prepared a complete guide for you in this article. We hope to give you answers to all questions such as: how to write a search engine friendly article, what to consider when writing such an article, etc...

What is an SEO Compatible Article?

SEO-compliant articles are articles written within certain rules in order to rank them on your website at the top of the search engines and to attract more organic traffic to the site. The more the determined on-site SEO rules are followed on the website pages, the higher Google will place the relevant website.

When we talk about content in the digital world, we should not only think of text. All visual and audio material on the internet is considered content. In the digital world, it is always understood that "content is king". Since all content on the internet is a copy of another and users cannot have a qualified search experience, it has become very important that the content is of high quality.

What are the Features of SEO Compatible Articles:

If you want to create an SEO compatible article, you must first determine what features the article content should have. Thus, you can easily find SEO compliance in every article you write or evaluate. The features that should be found in SEO compatible articles are as follows:

1. Originality

An SEO compatible article must be 100% original. In other words, since content copied and pasted from another website is considered a copy, it has no value for Google. Therefore, an article must be written from scratch and must be tested for originality. If you do not produce your content yourself, you should check whether your content is original with paid and free tools.

2. Article Length  

In SEO-compatible articles, the length, that is, the number of words is also very important. Google cares about having quality content as much as possible. The length of the article varies depending on the subject. While 500 words are too long for some articles, even 1500 words may not be enough for some others. For this reason, when describing a subject, use as many words as you need to. Avoid unnecessary and duplicate content.

3. Competence

If you are adding an article to your website, it must be informative. Because visitors looking for answers to certain questions in search engines want to reach the information they want shortly. Therefore, your content should have qualified and sufficient information on its own subject. The more information users can get from the article, the more valuable the content. For this reason, when creating content, take care to write on topics that you are competent in. While doing this, do not forget to get support from experts on the subject.

4. Readability

If you are going to prepare SEO compatible content, readability is very important as well as features such as length, informativeness and originality. Visitors get bored with articles that are filled with keywords, have broken sentence structure and are not fluent, and leave the site. A high bounce rate also negatively affects your website's search engine ranking. Readability is among the most important SEO compliance criteria for content.

5. Keyword Usage 

Keywords are expressions that internet users type in search engines to find information. Your article must contain phrases that people can type into Google. When choosing your topic title and content keywords, you should consider the user search intent. In this way, bots can make your content appear more prominent, thinking that it will be useful to the caller. Attention should also be paid to many factors such as keyword rate and frequency of use. Use the Dedicated SEO Dashboard tool to determine those.

6. Read Your Article Several Times After Completion

At the beginning of the points that must be considered while writing an article, there are situations such as readability, absence of spelling and punctuation errors. For this reason, you should read your content several times after writing it. You can open the error section in the Word file to see if there are spelling and punctuation mistakes. Thus, you can easily correct expressions that are not suitable for English.

SEO Compatible Article Writing Steps

We briefly talked about the features that should be included in the content when writing an SEO compatible article. Now we will examine what steps you should follow when writing an article. Although these steps vary from person to person, we think that it will be a guide for our visitors who are new to writing SEO compatible articles. Here are the step-by-step SEO-friendly article writing stages:

1. Do Keyword Analysis

In order to write an SEO compatible article, you must first do keyword analysis. You can find the keywords related to the subject of the content you will create by using various tools. In keyword analysis, you can see which word groups users search for in your content. You can use many paid or free tools for keyword analysis like the DSD SEO tool

2. Review the Content of Top Competitors on Google

Since competitor analysis has a very important place in SEO studies, you should also examine the content of competitors, especially in the first place on Google, while writing an article. The keywords used by your competitors, the sub-headings and the information they include in the content should be well studied.

3. Determine Your Main Title and Sub-titles

When planning content, the main title and sub-titles must be interesting. What you need to do for this is to determine the main title and sub-title. After the keyword analysis, you can mark the expressions that are suitable for sub-titles. At the same time, you can use subheadings that are used by top competitors. The use of subheadings in your content other than the main heading both facilitates readability and allows you to create more valuable content in the eyes of Google.

4. Do Research Related to the Topic of Your Article

When writing an article, Google will be your biggest helper. You need to do thorough research on the topic you are going to write about. For this, you should do some reading by typing the topics and titles you will write into Google. Especially if you are going to prepare informative content, you should definitely do research. If you are going to create content on a subject you know, it is enough to be careful that there are no typos.

5. Plan Your Content and Start Writing

You have determined the keywords you will use in your content. Then you created the sub-headings by making competitor analysis. After researching the content, create a content plan that includes article length, topics to talk about, and start writing right away. If you are producing content for someone else, you should act by considering the information given to you while creating the content plan.

6. Test Your Content for Originality

After completing your article, you must put it to the originality test. If you are producing content for someone else, none of your clients will want to buy duplicate content. For this reason, before they do, it is useful for you to make an inquiry from paid or free control tools.


The most important tricks of writing SEO compatible articles are to comply with search engine rules, to determine a Semantic SEO strategy, to use keywords in the right ratio and to sprinkle them correctly, to pay attention to structural features, and to create informative and sufficient content. 

Remember, user experience is everything to Google rankings. Therefore, create readable content that provides accurate, qualified and sufficient information to your visitors, and complies with spelling and punctuation rules. So people will enjoy spending time on your website. After that, it's all up to your SEO-friendly article writing experience.

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